
The bride was the selection of wedding tips!

Every bride wants to pick a beautiful and suitable for their own wedding, but sometimes, because of the lack of a professional look and spend a lot of time here, we teach clever selection of wedding elect the most suitable for them. Many brides in the selection of wedding will be the design of the wedding dress to attract, but forgot to consider in the end is suitable to themselves.

 (A) to the design of the neckline, to see to the end for that kind of face bride
       Collar VS face oval face, round face long face oval face square face
       The low cup wedding OK OK fair can still OK
       Low-cut strapless wedding OK OK OK OK OK
       Stand-up collar sleeveless style wedding OK fainting OK OK fainting
       The Square Neck wedding OK OK OK can still can still
       "V" neck wedding can still OK fainting fainting OK
       Ship collar wedding OK OK OK OK fair
 (B) part of the body to choose the right wedding
       The crude arms: to be elected sleeved wedding dress, if it is really is like a sleeveless wedding shawl modification is also good additive.
       Young arms: arm too thin, it is inappropriate to choose a sleeveless wedding dress, or put on long gloves modification.
       Long neck: wear high-necked wedding can be balanced, long-necked feeling.
       Short neck: round neck or V-neck wedding, will have the effect of lengthening the neck.
       The chest is too small: optional collar lace, pleated or many trinkets nail in the the neckline wedding can divert attention.
       Too plump chest: try to choose a simple wedding design V collar, straight, A-line skirt and tight Yuanqun good wedding.
      Thick waist: try not to choose full personal wedding should be chosen to emphasize the design of the upper half.
      Waist length: Select waisted wedding, improve the waist, the body looks lower body longer.
      Waist short: A-shaped low-waist wedding should be chosen to balance the body short legs and a long effect.

